haha.. just found out tat i have forgetten my hotmail password... hMm.. really can't seems to remember...
tink i start usin my other mail.. when i nt at hm...
hehe~~.. pls.. add me on aya_miaka@hotmail.com
just finished my tut... nw waitin for my lab to start...
.t.i.n.g.z. signed off at 2:37 PM
Saturday, November 05, 2005
nExt weEk scH rEopEn le...
i liKe vEri lonG nv blOG le
aniway.. the timetable is better.. bt i hav to be in sch longer on wed... T.T
leSson's to 7pm... reaCh hm alReAdy 9 lE...
bT lucky.. the next day no need to sch so early.. just have to wake up at 9 hEehee..
thuRsDAy.. vEri shORt.. juSt go foR a 2 hr lab.. dAn so hm... bT.. haiz.. juSt gT news tAt will bE hAvin mAkeup lEsson on 8 DEC... T.T wAnteD to gO hM eaRly De... mAybE hAve oTher plAns.. bT haiz..
fRidAy vEri teRriblE... hehe.. bRin lAbtOp gO sCh... haha.. plAy maPLe... hEehe sinCe nOTing tO dO foR tat vEri dE lonG bReak
sO exciTed.. duNo wheTher i cAn cope wiTh the sems... took uP thiS cDs.. French.. hMm.. cAn tAlK to cAt.. haha
tMl sUndAy.. gO chioNg mAple.. heHEe.. nT no timE plAy le... haiZ