just started typin on my labtop.. arhhh.. the feeling is very nice.. i loved it as it has been repaired.. so i have to remind myself nt to be so careless... there are few stuff that i must nt be careless with.. have to learn it.. nt sure headache in those repair bills... so 1stly, i must nt again drop my labtop... 2ndly, my ipod and lastly my polaroid camera... haha.. cos the ipod repair bill is veri expensive.. n as for the camera.. i tin i will just need to buy a new one.. haiz..
so raspberry[amelia] says tat i did nt update my blogger... haha.. so now update give her c... haha..
sO happy... bt firstly.. i have to install a few software for school use... ooad software n the dsag software..
wow.. a veri good feeling to have back my own computer... cos i need not 'fight' over the main computer with my sister and my brothers.. haha...
.t.i.n.g.z. signed off at 12:45 PM
Monday, June 20, 2005
hAvin bReaK...
nOw aNothEr bReAk aFter the 8 to 1 lesson...
nothing much to do during this break.. so here in the lab typin the blog.. n also visiting the neopets website.. haha... go collect money.. n all the funny stuff.. aniway.. haiz... tired...
.t.i.n.g.z. signed off at 3:15 PM
Monday, June 13, 2005
tOday.. juSt gT mY neW iPod... hEehEe...
sO hApi... bT gt nO timE tO puT aLL sOnGs iNsiDe... hAha.. oNli gT timE tO puT 200++ sOngS... dAn sTill hAve aBt 400++ moRe sOngS tO gO...
wAnnA gO hM tO conTinuE uploAdinG tHoSe sOnGs inSide... ^-^
.t.i.n.g.z. signed off at 4:21 PM
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
...bErrY fAmilY...
wElcomE tO thE bErriEs fAmilY...
lEts inTroducE tO thE nEwLy inTake fAmiLy mEmberS...
1StlY... [thE rAspbErrY] - [aMeliA]
2nD... [wiLdbeRry] - [xuE] ... fOrmaLlY kNowN as [wiLd cHerrY]
3Rd... [sTrawbeRry] - [xiN] - kNowN as iT's namE
4Th... [mElOnbErrY] - [mE... tinG] oF couRse stiLL gT wHo leFt...